what are you?
Are you a Professional or are you a Joe ? - otherwise, an Amateur.
i saw joes vs the pros on T.V. an i got to thinking... what makes a pro a pro and joe a joe?
first what is a professional?
just so that we are all on the same page, this is my blog so i will define it this way; a professional is someone who:
- shows up everyday when they are supposed to.
- does the work. no if's and's or but's. whether they like it, love it or hate it.
- gets paid for that work which is done. hourly, or percentage or soulfully or otherwise.
- perfects their craft. takes the time to focus on doing it better.
a professional puts in the required work because in their mind, the work has to be done, with some sort of long term goal or commitment to reach. this goal could be just a paycheck, or could be to learn some new, or it could be the little voice of inspiration from the gods.
now, what is an Amateur?
someone who does it because they love it. they are not in it to win it, just just puttering around doing it on the evening or weekend, sporadically attending their "love" of doing whatever it is that pleases them. if you are a part time painter, and work as a waiter, you are a professional waiter and an amateur painter.
la la la la la .....
how many times have you gone out and golfed on the weekend, and told someone "hey, i really love this game. It's too bad i can only play it on the weekends." exchange the activity for any other activity - running, painting, writing, guitar playing, singing, or building a business.
i really have to ask when someone says that. if you really love it, why aren't you doing it full time?
we could all be a tiger woods, but for some reason we cannot get up the 'gumption' to dive into it. perhaps we can love something a little too much. so much so that our emotions grind us to a halt. fear embraces us and over-rationalizations freeze us in our tracks.
welcome, resistance.
resistance is the force that keeps you from doing your best, or anything at all. giving into resistance is what is keeping your genius from starting, building, and finishing your opus.
resistance is what keeps you from finishing God's work... your opus.
resistance is that little voice in your head that tells you that you should clean out the garage, mow the grass, fix that leaky faucet, surf the internet and makes you say to yourself: 'it's a stupid idea anyway, nobody will like it.' before you even start that book you want to write.
we all hear it.
amateurs give in to that little voice. they succumb to the fears. i know because i have done it. i know because, i have sold out, i have been an amateur. i have cleaned out my garage and basement and never started, and kicked myself in the but over it for years!
professionals, hear the voice too, only they plod on. they do not give in and quit. they go on with the fear in their hearts and set to work, because they know something; resistance will always be there over your shoulder, in your face and when you give in, you cannot complete what god has set out before you.
a friend who became very successful on eBay said this to me one day at lunch: "people ask me all the time what is the secret to becoming successful, and all i say is: 'do something, anything!' just pick something and do it, work on it. there really is no secret."
the professionals work
they work in the face of adversity.
they work in the face of adversity.
you cannot evolve when you are in the full grip of resistance.
resistance is good in a way, because through all the negativity it throws at you, it is actually showing you what you needs to be done. the more fear and nervousness that is attached to whatever it is you think you gotta do, the more you have to do it.
this is where you will grow as a person.
this is how you bring the God's work to earth. this is where our Beethovens, Tiger Woods, Henry Fords, and Mother Theressas come from.
they show up, do their work, get paid and perfect their craft, everyday.
no excuses.
read the war of art by stephen pressfield.
read the war of art by stephen pressfield.
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