have you ever had a dream....and while dreaming that dream, realized that you were dreaming and sat back and watched the dream?
my wife used to tell me stories of how she would be able to 'wake-up' in her dreams and then control what happened.
i just would just be in my dream and then realize i was dreaming and watch the dream then wake up fully, then try and go back to sleep.
ever gone through your regular life as it happens and then wake-up and realize you are in a dream?
let me give you some facts, they usually set me straight.physicists have known for a long time now that your senses: sight, hearing, touch, taste, smell, are nothing but electrical impulses interpreted by your brain.
they have also discovered that you can 'trick' your brain and fool it into thinking that something is real - meaning you can taste, touch, smell and hear it - when it really does not exist.
brains in vats? the matrix ring a bell? (have a conversation with plato...)
electrical impulses = electricity = energy.
energy has no form, no substance. it just "is". just try and explain electricity to someone without using the word electric. you will see what i mean.
try explaining it to an 8 year old. if you can't, it means you do not understand it and don't worry most people don't either.(even wikipedia can't do it - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electricity )
electricity is just a modulated frequency of energy.
or as an apprentice electrician answeered me:"flow of power...but maybe you could exchange power with energy, and i don't know if an 8 year old would understand that"
what you believe comes from what you think, thinking (brain waves) is your brain's way of making sense of the electrical impulses your body is bombarded with everyday. in order to make it easier to retain all the IMPORTANT information, your 'thinking' brain attaches your identity to things(form).
the best marketers in the world know this and do it with their products...and create something that you can attach your identity to, something you can identify with, something you can't live without!
your thinking is constantly attaching your identity to form.
Form, the shape, appearance, or configuration, of an object
if everything you touch, see, hear, smell, is electrical impulses - energy - is it real?
it's not. but your thinking needs it to be.thinking is just another function of your body, like breathing, until you take notice of it can you take 'control' of it. it's autonomous. and it is constantly attaching identity to form in order to file it in your memory. usually the more important information has emotion attached to it.
my car, my house, my clothes, my mother, my brother. and the higher the level of importance you identify with, the higher the emotional attachment.
however, in a case of extreme stress, or loss, there is an opportunity, a moment of realization, a tipping point, where you can operate without the threat of loss or stress.
ever save a life?
ever save a business?
there is portion of time where you operate 'in the moment' aware of everything and you move and act with great power and are able to accomplish more than anyone - especially you - thought possible.
you are operating without thought(ego), are without fear and are in such a state of awareness, of being, that the entire universe - which is made of energy - is at your beck and call.
just ask your friendly neighborhood quantum physicist.
when you are thinking and 'catch' yourself thinking, you see everything in a whole new way. the world around you is different. issues that seemed important before, no longer have the same effect. the people around you may seem less genuine... or more so...
.......kind of waking up in a dream and realizing that you are dreaming........
is all that truly matters is 'how' you are doing what you are doing?
is there acceptance? enjoyment? enthusiasm? behind each of your actions?
read A New Day by eckhart tolle
remember to post a comment when you finish reading. they are always good to read and the readers love them. besides, where else is anyone going to care about what you have to say anyway?
ReplyDeleteelectricity is the flow of electrons. electrons are matter.