sure, you have the 'god like' power to decide which way to go down the path of life.
where did this path come from anyway?
somebody must have passed through here already? or does it really matter who built it?
do you, in fact have a choice in who you are? who you will be?
you can listen to one intelligent 'expert' and she will tell you that yes, you can change anything at anytime about yourself and the universe around you. then there is the wise one with the experience and he may say that no, your genetic makeup is hardwired at birth.
here is what i mean; let's look at a pair of twins. twins, for all intents and purposes, are genetically identical. the same.
yet, for some inexplicable reason, each twin right from the moment of birth, exhibits their own completely unique characters that make up their own completely individual identities.
right from the start.
does this mean if you were born to be a painter, you should do well to heed the signs and not continue your education into nanotechnology?
all of this has to come from somewhere.
do you really need to know where?
inside of me? inside of you? the church? mother earth?
when an writer decides to pen a series of novels, where does the inspiration come from?
when an entrepreneur conceives a venture that will help millions of people achieve more comfort, more monetary savings, a more profound way of living where does the insight, and drive come from?
when an 8 year old boy first puts paint to canvas, and stuns his renouned painter father. who in turn lays down his own brushes forever in awe to a boy. a boy, who as he grows, creates masterpiece after masterpiece that will become some of the most appreciated and most sought after paintings by everyone on this planet.
where does the talent come from?
are these the whisperings of the muse in your ear? is this the gentle but firm hand of god nudging you into action?
let's say you ignore it.
let's say... it is more important for you to get down to the lab, office, or restaurant because you do not want to be late for work. you have bills to pay, and anyway you tried it once and it didn't work.
will you be denying this world, the gods work?
the gods who provide you inspiration, talent, insight, drive, passion for whatever it is you do?
will you be denying this work from the gods themselves?
will you in your selfishness deny all of us your divine talent, inspiration and passion?
or, do you have a choice?
can you evolve? is it even possible for you to take the leap of faith?
many people will tell you yes. especially if they are selling something.
others will say no, you've been pre-programmed at birth. especially if they are selling something.
who is right?
i don't know, i'm just some guy writing a blog.
but i bet that the entire time you have been reading this the little voices in your head were firing like crazy.
i guess you decide.
you are the completely unique individual who will always be right.
read the war of art by stephen pressfield.
make sure to leave a comment. your questions or insight s will be helpful to others. and hey, everyone needs to vent once and a while!!!