Friday, October 2, 2009

why? why? why such a big deal about the why?


my wife and i were sitting in our van, we just picked up some coffee and we were on our way to a meeting. she told me that the training she and her team were at last night was about their WHY.

i said that is pretty good training that you guys have if you are discussing your WHY. she then told me her why and continued that her mentor said it should be some thing you cry about when you think about it, or get very emotional about, it should be that strong because that is what carries you through the "tough spots".

i said that it was ironic that you brought that up because i was reading about it in a book last night and it has been on my mind.

in the past bunch of seminars this year, the WHY has come up often and one seminar in particular i was at, the speaker made a big deal about it and actually assigned me homework!

to be honest i have not been focusing on it because i have become a little "comfortable". you see, i have just hit and completed a bunch goals and have been complacent and "resting on my laurels" so to speak.

so we have been working on my WHY.

what is a WHY?

a WHY is the motivating factor behind every action and decision you make in order for you to live your life. the stronger it is, the stronger your determination is. the more passionate it is, the more passionate you are in what you do.

your WHY should be focused so that you are focused.

for a few days i asked people about their WHYs and thought about mine some more and it never really brought up the emotions that the group had been talking about. i mean after talking in the van that day i was able to bring hers up and she cried. it was emotional. mine wasn't.

it wasn't until i needed to unload some negative emotional baggage towards the end of the week while we were driving that she burst out and said "that's your why!!!"

in my tirade about what i was talking about, i listed exactly what it was that was motivating me to do what i am doing.

they were the reasons that i get up every day and look fear in the face
and act in spite of it.

they are the reasons i work in the face of resistance.

they are the reasons i look at my shortcomings as honest as i can
and do something about them.

they are the reasons i get up in the morning and rejoice the fact
that i have one more day to to better.

what is your WHY? what will make you act in the face of adversity? what will drive you to act in the face of adversity, consistently, every day?

what will get you to jump off your seat and cause you to fight for the life of your dreams?

because that is what i am really talking about, i mean i could give up any time and give in to the words of the masses and give-up my dreams like everyone else. i could do 9-5 for the next 30 years of my life and then live on a tiny pension like everyone else.

but i choose to live my dreams, just for the fact that i can be that one beacon of hope, the one beam of light that proves it CAN BE DONE so that anyone else can see it and say "hey! if he can do it, i probably can too!"

instead of living a life of quiet desperation, live a life filled with adventure, learning, prosperity, friendship, generosity, wonder, abundance, excitement and more.

it sounds silly perhaps, but i have come to understand that life can be like this, if you want it to be and are willing to work towards it.

you just need a strong enough WHY.

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